Saturday, January 21, 2012

Irrational Ideas

I have started to notice that I have a serious problem of eavesdropping. I truly am a real ear hustler. And though this may be completely creepy, I've picked up a few tricks, and I would say I'm actually pretty good at it. I can be sitting rows away from people and still pick up on their every word. I've even improved my skills of reading lips, for those moments when you can't really hear, but you are still dying to know what's being said. And since moving home, I've started to not want this talent anymore. It's become a curse. I can't turn off my abilities. And when much is given much is expected. So, I truly don't want this responsibility anymore. I swear if I hear one more conversation about anything involving a wedding, I will take it upon my self to hurt something. In Utah, the conversations in class are no longer about the weather, homework, or people's days. They have now evolved into something much more important. People now are focused on the style of their future wedding dress, when they are twenty and single. Am I the only one that finds this both a little weird and poorly timed? If you don't have a boyfriend, you're probably not going to be married anytime soon. Oh wait, I forgot, you only have to date for five seconds until it's completely acceptable to get engaged. So maybe I'm the only who isn't planning for the future. But I think it will be fine to decide this all once I'm engaged, or never. It's not like the world is ending and I better get my canned food and water, to ensure that I don't starve. I think not knowing, what you want to name your unborn children, or how your future husband (that you haven't found yet) will potentially propose to you, won't end in your demise. I think you get time to figure this all out. That's what the engagement is for. Not to factor into the time you've known your husband. So you can count the two month engagement, so it won't be as weird to tell people. This way you can say you've known each other for four months, rather than two. Which sounds WAY better, right? And you may think this is exaggerated and if you do, you're welcome to come to any of my classes. One girl was asking a boy yesterday why him and his wife were waiting so long to have children. And I'm not kidding this kid had to be only twenty years old. An important question though indeed. Honestly, I was wondering the same thing. Glad he cleared it up for us. Oh and I'm glad a girl started to sob in my other class because her boyfriend, who on that day had reached his forth month on the mission, was practically home. Maybe, she's just bad at math. But I wanted to lean over and say, sweetheart I wouldn't call a year and six months, almost home. But hey, that's just my way of looking at things. Maybe, she's just trying to see the glass half full or whatever, but either way, sobbing over something so dumb, is never necessary. You all probably are saying to yourselves, "if these conversations annoy you, don't listen."Or, "this really is none of your business anyway." But that's the true problem here people. I can't help it. I need to invest in ear plugs or something. Because I'm afraid these pointless conversations are going to result in either me gagging again, or they will make my ears bleed forever. Either may get me out of having to listen. So, HEY, it really may be a win/win.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is soo cute! I had a blast this weekend and I look forward to many more.
    This post sums up my feelings exactly. Guess we better just marry the next man we see.
